The benefits of Anti-Gravity Treadmill Training

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The Boost.

OK, Let’s address the elephant in the room... What is a Boost Treadmill?

The Boost is a type of treadmill; not just your typical treadmill though, instead this treadmill works on Gravity! It works on gravity by manipulating the impact this has on your body by changing it from 100 percent down to as low as 20 percent! This means if you weigh 100kg we can make you as light as 20kg and then from here we can get you to walk and run.

So now you know what it is, I bet you’re thinking how can this help you? Great question!

Let’s start with 3 big populations who can see great benefits using the boost.


  • If you’re an athlete, for example a long-distance runner, chances are you will be running with high volume (lots of kilometres / wk), this can lead to accumulative joint damage over time.

  • Overtime with long distance running, you may fatigue and change your running technique, if uncorrected this can heighten your risk of injury.

  • This is where we can use the Boost to change your body weight and decrease the impact on your joints while still allowing you to run long distances!


People with lower limb Injury / Surgeries

  • If you have recently injured your foot, ankle, knee or hip this can be debilitating to walking and running! Some of these injuries may include: ACLs, Patellar Tendon Issues, Plantar Fasciitis, ATFL injury, Achilles injury, Bursitis, Hip Impingements + more

  • Now with the Boost we can get you walking and running, safely faster than ever!

  • We know that our bodies need to move, by avoiding walking and running due to injuries we develop compensations and other body parts may take more load to help you offload your injured areas.

  • Through utilising the Boost we can progressively load your tissues and build up your confidence to weight bare.


People with Neurological Conditions

  • Do you suffer from conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinsons, Cerebral Palsey, Stroke?

  • Well this treadmill can help you learn proper gait (walking) mechanics to get you moving better!

  • Through the windows we can cue you to correct certain areas such as how your feet land on the floor when you walk / run. We can do this at controlled speeds, heights and gravity percentages to put you in the optimal environment to elicit good movement patterns.

Now this is not an exhaustive list, the Boost can be used by any person of any age in a safe manner. If you are a person without any injuries, don’t participate in sports or have any neurological conditions this can still help you!

Want to find out more!? Book in with one of our practitioners to get you started!


Pregnancy, Pelvic Girdle Pain and Physiotherapy.


Athletes are made in the off-season